Excel text formulas: 19 profound ways to bend your data

Can better data let you make better decisions..? Maybe yes, with Excel text formulas you can analyze data effectively. Every day your business will generate millions of lines of data, and most of the times your data will not be in a structured way, even the best technology in the world cannot give you ready-made data to support your decision-making process. I think that is the reason why we’re so heavily dependent on MS Excel from simple to complicated analysis....

December 16, 2015 · Sudheer Tammini

Excel SUMIFS Formula: Your Business Can’t Live Without

From a common excel user to advanced user everyone will use sum formula very often. How about same sum formula, with little more advanced features..? Confused..? ok, I’ll put it in simple words. What if you can sum numbers based on your own criteria..? or maybe you want to add multiple criteria’s and then you want to sum for only those. Well, with Excel SUMIFS formula everything is possible. Basics : Excel SUMIFS formula Growing business requirements need more complicated data analysis in almost no time to phase up with the competition....

November 25, 2015 · Sudheer Tammini